
zooti tablets are sold at most Target Stores. Go to the Target website to find out about availability at the Target near you.

zooti is unlimited entertainment for the whole family, available whenever and wherever you want it. Instantly stream top PC games from the cloud straight to your tablet for one low monthly membership fee. With zooti, families can play and discover amazing games, choose favorites, and see recommendations from friends. Play console games anywhere there’s a Wi-Fi connection. zooti is play that’s ready when you are!

zooti is currently in beta. This means that at this time, we are inviting everyone to try out zooti’s amazing features free of charge, so we can gain valuable information that will help us create the best experience possible.

Once zooti is out of beta, subscribing to zooti will cost just $9.99 a month, with the option to cancel at any time.

Create a zooti account by signing up with an email address and password on you zooti tablet, or you can also create an account using Facebook or Google, by clicking on the Facebook or Google buttons from the sign up screen.

If you have lost or forgotten your login password, click on the “forgot password” button on the login screen. You will receive and email with instructions for resetting your password, so make sure to check the correct email account associated with your zooti account.

Hit the reset password link on the login page, and enter your email. You will receive an email will instructions to reset your password. If you do not receive an email, check you spam folder to see if the email was accidentally sent to spam.

Adding additional profiles to your account is super fun and easy. Touch the settings button on the main navigation wheel, and select “manage profile.” Hit one of the plus buttons to create a new profile. You can add up to five additional friends or family members to your account.

zooti is currently in beta, so at this time everyone can use all zooti features. We will notify you once the beta period has ended and provide you with instructions to activate your free trial.

Double check that your Wi-Fi is turned on and you are connected. If that does not help, contact zooti customer support at

An HDMI cable is required to connect zooti to your television. If you have an HDMI cord, you can use it to connect zooti to your television via the HDMI port included on your tablet.

Please visit MOGA’s support page at for questions about operating and troubleshooting the MOGA controller.

Mark games as favorites by hitting the star icon on the either the game menu page or the detailed game description page. Once you have selected games as your favorite, all your friends will be able to see which games you have favorited.

This is the friend favorites icon. This icon indicates which games your friends have favorited within zooti.

Recommended games are games we at zooti think you will love!

zooti requires a broadband connection of 3 Mbps or higher.

Double check that your Wi-Fi is turned on and you are connected. If that does not help, contact zooti customer support at

Restart your tablet and log back into zooti. If this does not resolve the problem, contact customer support at

You can contact customer support at

Go to settings on your tablet and then go to Wi-Fi, then networks.  Make sure your Wi-Fi is turned on. Check that you have selected the correct Wi-Fi network and double check that you have entered the correct password for that network. If that does not work, you may need to contact your internet service provider to make sure your Wi-Fi is working correctly.

Movies and TV shows on Target Ticket must be purchased and are separate from your zooti membership. To view movies and TV shows on Target Ticket you will need to register with Target Ticket and create an account.

Go to the Target Ticket support page at

For problems downloading Target Ticket movies and shows, go to the Target Ticket support page at

If you need additional help, review the zooti manual or download it here. Or, you can contact customer support at

If you feel you have received a defective tablet, please review our warranty and replacement information instructions here. If you have additional questions you can contact customer support at